As the UK begins to take baby steps to ease restrictions imposed because of coronavirus, many businesses will be considering how they can get back to work as quickly and safely as possible.
The Keep Britain Working campaign welcomed Matthew Fell, Chief UK Policy Director at the CBI, to discuss the journey back to work for UK business.
In this webinar recording, James Reed, co-founder of Keep Britain Working and Chairman of REED, and Matthew have a virtual fireside chat to explore what businesses should be preparing for to enable their staff to get back to work, what further support the government may offer and what lessons can be learned from other countries.
The webinar took place on Wednesday 20 May 2020.
If you liked this webinar, sign up to our next webinar – ‘Your journey back to work’ – where James Reed and Yvette Jeal PPC (International Executive Coach) will offer practical advice for people currently looking for work..