by Angus Mylne | Mar 19, 2021 | News
Whether you are currently in work but want to do something more fulfilling, or are without work and searching for your next opportunity, the NHS could be for you. This webinar outlines an opportunity that is open to anyone interested, and does not require any prior...
by NHS England | Mar 8, 2021 | News
As we enter Spring and with the impact of COVID continuing to be felt, many people will be taking stock and considering a change of career for 2021. And whether they are searching for a more fulfilling role where they can really make a difference to people’s...
by Angus Mylne | Mar 3, 2021 | News
Are interviews your enemy? Do you want tips on how to prepare for the big day? We talk to two interview experts as they deliver a masterclass on how to prepare and conduct yourself in an interview, so you can get the perfect job offer! Watch below… This webinar...
by Peter Griffith | Mar 2, 2021 | News
Keep Britain Working has spoken for some time about a Spring recovery in the job market and it seems as though those green shoots of optimism have grown. According to the latest Keep Britain Working job index report, job vacancies for February 2021 are only 1% down on...
by Peter Griffith | Feb 25, 2021 | News
During the past year we may have found ourselves picking up a new hobby or two. Of course, there’s the obvious surge in sourdough baking but there were other areas Brits found themselves dabbling with. Retail reported a boom in gardening equipment as we spent more...
by Morson Group and Keep Britain Working | Feb 24, 2021 | News
Monday’s highly anticipated ‘lockdown roadmap’ announcement has left in its wake a mixed feeling amongst businesses, but one of overwhelming positivity with some ‘normality’ set to return to our shores over the coming weeks and months. Lots of the hardest hit...
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